When the wedding or event is over, the cake and tasty treats have been consumed; the DJ or entertainment packs up to leave; and the gorgeous gowns or suits are placed back on hangers or tucked away into storage. Your photographer is the only one who keeps working when the day is done.

You see, for decades, your photographer has had the desire and skill set to make sure your night was unforgettable. Not only that, but for decades, your photographer didn’t stop when you did. For every event, whether in 1919 or 2019, your photographer has checked and double checked his/her equipment, packed backup gear just in case, confirmed there was enough film or gigabits to tell the story of your day, and has spent the time at your event on his/her feet documenting all the details you spent months planning as well as all the documenting every emotion you and your guests are feeling. Afterwards, your photographer usually doesn’t even crawl into bed until he/she has downloaded and backed up your images- just to ensure your night truly was unforgettable.
We LOVE it! It’s what we do! It’s WHY we do what we do!
When your day is done, we go back to our offices and we develop your images. Whether our medium is Film or Digital, it takes a while. We go thru each image to ensure perfection of the ones we deliver to you. {Just as your caterer prepared food and your entertainment prepared songs, etc}

There is a growing trend of charity organizations asking photographers to “donate their time and services” at events, or discount for “smaller wedding”. I’ll be honest, I’ve done it. I’ve donated my services to several organizations through the years; and I’ve discounted my fees for weddings to help budgets in need. It’s hard to not feel greedy when you demand to be paid. But if I’m being honest, I don’t enjoy serving the charities or families in this way.
I leave with a feeling of being unappreciated. I’m not the world’s best photographer, but I do know how to ensure your event is never forgotten.
You paid great money for your food and entertainment, all of which were consumed or was a fleeting moment. The vendors you hired for these jobs deserve the wages they requested too.
For the average wedding, I may spend 30-40 hours ensuring your day was not one that will ever be forgotten. {That’s a week’s worth of work- don’t I deserve a Week’s wages? Aside from any expenses I also incurred via the thumb drive, gallery hosting, prints, albums, etc that you’ll receive.}
For an average event, I’ll spend at least an entire extra day ensuring your event is one that could be enjoyed for decades to come. It kind of hurts to be asked to offer this at no charge, and then also expect me to put a rush on your requests to have them back instantly… putting your event that gave me nothing ahead of my clients who truly value the History I have produced and documented for them.
A year from now, when you’re planning your next annual event you’ll want to look back on those images for inspiration or to remember what all occurred. A decade from now, you’ll look back and laugh about the style of clothing or theme of the décor that you just can’t believe was popular “back then”. You’ll value the images and appreciate them later.
Why not appreciate your photographer now?